@article{2770, author = "Carlos Magno dos Santos and Roberto Da Silva Camargo and Nadia Caldato and Vania Maria Ramos and Luiz Carlos Forti and Juliane Floriano Santos Lopes", abstract = "As Specialists are workers that repeatedly perform a certain taskand so have a high frequency of acts in this activity when compared to all workers at the colony. Within these workers, there are some...", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Digging behavior;Division of labor;Formicidae;Specialization", month = "May", number = "6", pages = "318-324", title = "{S}pecialist and {H}yperspecialist {W}orkers of {L}eaf-cutting {A}nts during {N}est {D}igging", volume = "6", year = "2018", }