@article{2743, author = "Pooja R. Desai and Payal D. Holihosur and Sangeeta V. Marathe and Bhushan B. Kulkarni and Vishal U. K. and Geetanjali R. K. and Rajeev R. P. and Hiremath S. V.", abstract = "Lycopene is a plant carotenoid that imparts the red pigment to the fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, watermelon, papaya, pink guava, apricots, carrot and red bell peppers. With respect to antioxidant property, lycopene has the highest singlet oxygen quenching activity, thus making it one of the best dietary constituent in combating the ill effects caused by reactive oxygen species. In the present study, investigation was made to evaluate the lycopene content in local varieties of tomato and papaya available in North Karnataka region of Indian origin. Studies were also carried out further to find out antioxidant and antifungal properties of the lycopene. The result showed that the Namadhari variety of tomato contains highest amount of lycopene (14.04mg/100g) followed by Rupali and Pusa ruby variety with 12.79mg/100g and 10.92mg/100g respectively and Solo variety of papaya contains 10.29mg/100g lycopene. As far as antioxidant activity of tomato and papaya, is concerned, it was observed that the papaya contains higher activity compared to tomato varieties studied. However, the extract of tomato and papaya when tested for antifungal activity, both did not show any inhibiting activity against the growth of the fungus Candida albicans", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Lycopene;Antioxidant;Antifungal;Tomato;Papaya", month = "March", number = "5", pages = "257-260", title = "{S}tudies on {I}solation and {Q}uantification of {L}ycopene from {T}omato and {P}apaya and its {A}ntioxidant and {A}ntifungal {P}roperties", volume = "6", year = "2018", }