@article{2721, author = "BABAGANA M. and UMAR I. and LIMAN Y. M. and ALI M.", abstract = "The study was conducted between the months of January – February, 2018 to study the current status and problems of potable water supply in Damagum town of Fune Local Government Area, Yobe state, Nigeria with specific objectives of assessing the common sources of water supply in the area, to evaluate the level of government participation in the provision of potable water supply and to assess the common problems of potable water supply in the area. A total of six areas with a population of 20,300 were randomly selected for the study including Sabon Layi, Low Cost Estate, Indabo, Bakate, Ihunka Banza and Makara Huta. A Descriptive Survey design using both qualitative and quantitative methods was used involving 360 local residents selected using Purposive, Convenient and Systematic Random Sampling methods. A closed ended researcher made questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data while structured Interview Guide was also used to get some qualitative data. Scientific Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20 was used to analyze quantitative data using Descriptive Statistics. Findings on characteristics of the respondents showed a higher male participation (73.1%), dominant ethnic groups were Kanuri, Hausa and Kare Kare with 22.8%, 21.9% and 22.5% respectively. Majority of them were married young men of ages between 25 – 45 years (66.1%). Crop farming, civil servants, traders and those engaged in handy works such as carpentry were found to be the most dominant with 28.3%, 17.2%, 16.9% and 27.0% respectively. More than half of the local residents (59.5%) had only Arabic or primary education. From all the six areas studied only 16 sources of communal water supply were identified including 9 commercial tube wells, 4 government provided bore holes and 3 other bore holes made available by some NGOs. Sources of water supply common in the areas were tube wells and bore holes no wells were identified. Government participation in the provision of potable water supply in the area was found to be grossly inadequate while problems associated with water supply were found to be numerous ranging from heavy expenditure in water purchase, serious shortage of water supply, insufficient water supply sources, poor sanitary conditions and so on. The continuous prevalence of these problems can lead to serious social, economic, health, educational as well as political repercussions thus, it was recommended that more solar powered bore holes should be constructed, more other sources of water supply be made available as well as public enlightenment on the need to use water management and maintenance techniques as well as water purification techniques be embarked upon", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Current Status;Damagum;Potable Water Supply;Problems", month = "March", number = "5", pages = "269-276", title = "{C}urrent {S}tatus and {P}roblems of {P}otable {W}ater {S}upply in {D}amagum {T}ownship of {F}une {L}ocal {G}overnment {A}rea, {Y}obe {S}tate, {N}igeria", volume = "6", year = "2018", }