@article{2935, author = "Vandi Alieu Sama and Fayia A. Kassoh and Alieu Mohamed Bah", abstract = "Doubling harvesting systems in rice ratooning may be one practical way to increase productivity per unit land. A study to evaluate 30 lowland rice varieties with good ratooning performance of main crop and relationship of traits with grain yield was conducted at the Mawirr crop site of the Rokupr Agricultural Research Centre. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance for each of main and ratoon crops. Significant treatment means were separated and compared using Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% probability level. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was also performed for each of the main and ratoon crops to determine traits association with grain yield. Results revealed significant differences among the 30 rice varieties for both the main and ratoon crops for the traits evaluated. The main crop recorded highest number of hills harvested, number of tillers per hill, plant height, and effective tillers per hill and grain yield than the ratoon crop. NERICA-L-21 produced the highest grain yield, longest days to 50% flowering and maturity of main crop and demonstrated good ratoon performance while Hitomebore had the least grain yield, shortest days to 50% flowering and maturity of main crop and exhibited very poor ratoon performance. Correlation studies revealed that genotypes with taller plant height, late flowering and maturity and with large culm diameter would effectively and ultimately increase grain yield in main crop. Grain yield in ratoon crop is a complement of the main crop, improvement of any trait in the ratoon crop would simultaneously translate into an improvement in the others thereby increasing total grain yield", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Ratooning Performance;Rice Variety;Grain Yield;Analysis of Variance", month = "January", number = "4", pages = "380-387", title = "{S}creening {L}owland {R}ice {G}enotypes for {R}atooning {P}erformance in the {A}ssociated {M}angrove {S}wamp of {S}ierra {L}eone", volume = "7", year = "2019", }