@article{2992, author = "Gemini E.M. Malelak and Arnol. E. Manu and Gusti. A.Y. Lestari and I.Gusti. N. Jelantik", abstract = "The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of Roselle calyces (Hibiscus sabdariffa) (RC), liquid smoke (LS) and a combination of both (RCLS) on taste, pH, total plate count (TPC) and cholesterol content in se’i (Rotenese smoke beef). The experiment was assigned in a completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments and three replications. The six treatments were: Control (C) = se’i conventional (without treatment), RC1 = roselle calyces 4% (v/w), RC2= roselle calyces 8% (v/w), LS= liquid smoke (5%) (v/w), RCLS1 = roselle calyces 4% + liquid smoke 5%, RCLS2 = roselle calyces 8% + liquid smoke 5%. Data were analyzed using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued by Duncan multiple range tests (DMRT) to detect difference between means. Taste and aroma were analyzed with Kruskal Wallis test followed by Mann Whitney test to detect difference between means. Result showed that treatments decreased aroma and taste score, TPC numbers and cholesterol content of se’i (P0.05) but not effect pH value. It can be concluded that roselle and, the combination of roselle + Schleichera oleosa liquid smoke is more effective in reducing bacterial numbers in se’i compare to Schleichera oleosa liquid smoke. Schleichera oleosa liquid smoke and control bring same effect on taste and TPC numbers since both of them contain similar bioactive compounds. Adding liquid smoke or/and roselle reduce cholesterol content but not influence pH value of se’i.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Se i;Roselle Calyces;Liquid Smoke;Total Plate Count", month = "March", number = "5", pages = "508-512", title = "{C}haracteristics of {S}e’i ({R}otenese {S}moke {B}eef) {T}reated with {R}oselle {C}alyces and {L}iquid {S}mo", volume = "7", year = "2019", }