@article{3032, author = "Paguia H.M. and Tuazon J.P.B. and Rosano M.M. and Abella E. and Cabutaje A. and Lopez R. and Corpuz M.N.C.", abstract = "The Science and Technology community-based farming of mango in Bataan aimed to promote the adoption of science-based interventions for increased mango productivity and profitability. This 2-yr project applied the appropriate integrated crop management protocol for mango farming including sanitary/corrective and center pruning, paclobutrazol application, fertilization, flower induction, need-based spray program, bagging, and field sanitation. Fifteen mango farms participated in this project; seven in Balanga cluster (mean number of tree = 83) and eight in Abucay cluster (mean number of tree = 140). After two production cycles, the project significantly improved the mango production in two farm clusters, with a mean yield increase of 231.54% (3.36 kg ha-1 to 7.78 kg ha-1). Moreso, significant highest mean yield was achieved in the 2nd year, albeit the mean total yield between the two farm clusters was not significantly different (P> 0.05). The mean net income was significantly increased by 470.46%, valuing from $ 216.30 to $1,1017.64 (1$ = Php 53). Mean net income was not statistically different between farm clusters (P> 0.05). This study demonstrated the potential of Science and Technology community -based interventionsas an effective strategy for improved mango farming, which can be adopted by local mango farmers in the Philippines.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Mango Production;Community-Based Farm;Integrated Crop Management;Technology Transfer", month = "May", number = "6", pages = "605-609", title = "{E}ffects of {C}ommunity-{B}ased {F}arming on the {P}roductivity and {P}rofitability of {M}ango ({M}angiferaindica, {L}inn.) in {B}ataan, {P}hilippines", volume = "7", year = "2019", }