@article{3129, author = "Tadesse Hunduma Banja", abstract = "This study employed the integration of spatial Analysis tools to map soil textural class names from the laboratory analysis results of soil textural proportions such as sand, silt and clay percentages based on USDA soil textural triangle classes’ boundary definitions. The study has been done at Adami tulu Jido Kombolch District, Oromiya Region, Ethiopia. In order to represent whole study area, it has been divided into 129 mapping units based on soil forming factors then surface soil samples were collected at depth of 0 to 20 cm from each mapping units. The soil samples were analyzed at laboratory for textual proportions by hydrometer method; the results were used in spatial interpolation kriging and IDW to get continues surface maps for sand, silt and clay percentages. The surface maps were used as input layers to develop the twelve soil textural class names of USDA definitions in raster calculator of spatial analysis tool. As a result, in case of Kriging interpolation only two class names loam and sandy loam were generated which accounts 43.54 and 57.46% area share respectively. While employing IDW five textural class names were identified such as: sandy loam, Loam, Clay Loam, Loamy Sand and Silt but dominating classes are Sandy Loam and Loam totally covers more than 98 percent of the study area. ", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "GIS;Raster Calculator;Soil Texture;Spatial Analysis;USDA", month = "January", number = "4", pages = "343-352", title = "{S}patial {A}nalysis in {M}apping {S}oil {T}extural {C}lass {N}ame {B}ased on {USDA} {S}oil {T}extural {T}riangle for {A}dami {T}ulu {J}ido kombolcha {D}istrict, {O}romiya {R}egion, {E}thiopia", volume = "8", year = "2020", }