@article{IJAIR-3159, author = "Dr. Okeke, Magret Ngozi and Nwoye, Ifeanyi Innocent and Kadiri, Abdul Obogeh", abstract = "The study assessed Information Communication Technology (ICT) utilization among rural women rice farmers in Ayamelum Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 51 respondents used for the study while data was collected using structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as mean, percentages, and frequency were used to analyze the objectives. The study shows that majority (66.7%) of the rural women rice farmers were between the ages of 31 and 40 years, 68.8% were married, 82.4% had one form of education or the other while 74.5% had household size of between 6 and 10 persons. More so, 74.6% had farming experience of between 1 and 10 years and majority (52.9%) financed their farming activities through their personal savings. On types of ICT tools available for the women rice farmers, majority (98.0, 96.0 and 94.1) of the respondents identified mobile phone, radio and television respectively. ICT tools such as mobile phones (x ̅ = 2.9), radio (x ̅ = 2.6), television (x ̅ = 2.03), camera (x ̅ = 2.1) and newspaper (x ̅ = 2.0) were frequently utilized by the women rice farmers. On the other hand, the women identified high cost of ICT tools ((x ) ̅ = 3.01), inadequate capital ((x ) ̅ = 2.81), complexity in the use of ICT tool ((x ) ̅ = 2.70), inadequate knowledge on ICT tools ((x ) ̅ = 2.44), inadequate power supply ((x ) ̅ = 2.41), poor network reception ((x ) ̅ = 2.27), high cost of internet subscription ((x ) ̅ = 2.21), high cost of charges on calls ((x ) ̅ = 2.11) and poor educational background ((x ) ̅ = 2.08) as major constraints to ICT utilization in the area. It was recommended that efforts should be made by the service providers to improve network coverage in the study area through Information Communication Technologies and efforts should be made to educate the rural women rice farmers on the use of ICT tools.", issn = "2319-1473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Information;Communication;Technology;Utilization;Women;Rice Farmers", month = "March", number = "5", pages = "415-422", title = "{A}ssessment of {I}nformation and {C}ommunication {T}echnology ({ICT}) {U}tilization among {R}ural {W}omen {R}ice {F}armers in {A}yamelum {L}ocal {G}overnment {A}rea of {A}nambra {S}tate, {N}igeria", volume = "8", year = "2020", }