@article{3188, author = "Moustafa M.S. Bakry and Islam R.M. El-Zoghby and Refat O.H. Allam", abstract = "The main objective of this work is to evaluate the leaf toughness and anatomical characteristics of Balady mango seedling leaves as affected by Parlatoria oleae (Colvee) infestation rate at Esna district, Luxor Governorate during two successive experimental seasons through duration from early September 2016 till mid August 2018 years. The results revealed that the leaf toughness together with thickness both of palisade tissue dimensions (upper{\&} lower), spongy tissue, collenchyma layers below the upper epidermis at midrib, number of xylem rows in the vascular bundle and length of midrib vascular bundle, increased significantly in the leaves of infested trees (light and heavy) as compared to the uninfested ones. While, in contrast, the thickness both of [epidermis layer dimensions (upper {\&} lower), leaf midrib, widest xylem vessel in the vascular bundle and width of midrib vascular bundle] in leaves of uninfested mango trees was the thickest than those of the infested mango leaves (light and heavy). Based on P. oleae feeding mechanism and damage, whenever less thickness for both of (epidermis layer dimensions (upper{\&} lower), leaf midrib, widest xylem vessel in the vascular bundle and width of midrib vascular bundle), would be helpful and facilitation for P. oleae feeding and achieving damage to mango leaves. That is, the infestation by pest increases as the thickness of these layers decreases (negative relationship). It was clear that the reflection of the insect infestation levels on the anatomical properties was positive, that refers to the proportional increase in the percentages of loss in the measured parameter i.e., thickness for epidermis layer dimensions (upper {\&} lower), leaf midrib, widest xylem vessel in the vascular bundle and width of midrib vascular bundle as infestation rate was increased. Meaning, whenever increase infestation by pest, would increase the percentages of reduction in the thickness of these layers (positive relationship).", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Parlatoria oleae;Mango;Leaf Toughness;Anatomy", month = "May", number = "6", pages = "554-568", title = "{L}eaf {T}oughness and {A}natomical {C}haracteristics of {B}alady {M}ango {S}eedling {L}eaves as {I}nfluenced by {P}arlatoria oleae ({C}olvee) {I}nfestation {R}ate", volume = "8", year = "2020", }