@article{3190, author = "Meenakshi Tiwari and Rakesh Kumar", abstract = "Uttrakhand is one of the promising states for Tea cultivation. The Agro-climatic condition of Uttrakhand state is highly favorable for Tea cultivation. Most of the plantations of Uttrakhand are organic {\&} cultural practices aretraditionally different compared to other state/ regions. Here is an elaborate study emphasizing on all aspects of Tea cultivation in Uttrakhand with its genesis. The yearly harvested green leaf production is approximately 1500 to 2000 kg/ha and an annual average yield of processed tea is 300- 400 kg/ha that vary with the cold weather practices and pruning cycles.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Genesis;Tea Cultivation;Other Cultural Practices", month = "May", number = "6", pages = "581-591", title = "{T}he {G}enesis of {T}ea {C}ultivation and {O}ther {C}ultural {P}ractices in {U}ttrakhand {S}tate", volume = "8", year = "2020", }