@article{3223, author = "Leonie Clemence Kouonon and Kobenan Alexis Koffi and Yao Eric Parfait Yao and Koudougnon Alice Estere Goba and Kouame Guillaume Koffi and Koffi Adjoumani and Raoul Sylvere Sie", abstract = "In Cote d'Ivoire, Phasolus lunatus, is a neglected and underutilized legume grown for occasional family needs. In the present study, we evaluated the morphological and agronomical variation within a collection of eight local morphotypes collected. Twenty-one agromorphological parameters of plants, fruits and seeds were measured on ten individuals per morphotype. Results of univariate analyses show significant variations for 18 of these 21 agromorphological parameters when comparing the morphotypes. Multivariate analyses showed morphologically diverse groups: Factorial Discriminant Analysis (FDA) showed the group of long, thicker and heavier dry seeds, the group of large fruits with small seeds of low weight and thickness and the group of fruits small in thickness and length. The Hierarchical Ascending Classification (HAC) distinguishes the group of vigorous individuals with big seed and the group of less vigorous individuals with small seeds. While FDA proposes classes grouping morphotypes, HAC does not allow the grouping of individuals of the same morphotype.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Lima Beans;Morphological Characterisation;Morphotypes;NULs", month = "September", number = "2", pages = "78-88", title = "{M}orphological and {A}gronomical {C}haracterisation of {V}ariability among a {C}ollection of {P}haseolus lunatus ({L}.) {L}ocal {M}orphotypes from {C}ote d’{I}voi", volume = "9", year = "2020", }