@article{3256, author = "Hermogenes M. Paguia and Ma. Florinda O. Rubiano and Mark Nell C. Corpuz", abstract = "To address the prevailing problems in farm efficiency and productivity, a diversified farming system using slaughter goat, aerobic rice technology, vermicompost production was conducted in Bataan, Philippines from October 2018 to December 2019. The application of packaged technologies in agriculture through a community-based participatory action research program of the Philippine government was standardized for the ten experimental rice-based farms (5,000 m2 per farm). In a one-year production cycle, the project generated an overall mean net income of $ 651.12, yielded from three agricultural commodities, including $ 112.70 for aerobic rice, $ 415.47 for slaughter goat, and $ 122.95 for vermicompost ($ 1= Ph Pesos 48.80). Overall, a significant increase of 66.17 % in the mean profit was realized after a one-year production cycle. The return of investment for rice (27.50 %), slaughter goat (53.36 %), and vermicomposting (30 %) were also found feasible. The result of this project can serve as a model for farmers who want to adopt goat-rice-vermicompost integrated farming schemes for improved farm outputs and profitability.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Aerobic Rice Technology;CPAR;Technology Adoption;Organic Fertilizer", month = "November", number = "3", pages = "158-163", title = "{C}ommunity-based {D}iversified {F}arming {S}ystems {I}mprove the {P}rofitability of {G}oat-{R}ice-{V}ermicompost {P}roduction in {B}ataan, {P}hilippines", volume = "9", year = "2020", }