@article{3298, author = "Dr. J. Lilly", abstract = "The objective of the study are to examine the perception of the farmers towards organic farming, to find out the cultivation practices, cost and returns for their efforts in organic farming. The present study was conducted in Coimbatore district which is located in Tamilnadu, India. Nearly 6 taluks and 250 villages are in Coimbatore district; out of these a convenient and purposive sampling technique was used to select 100 farmers who cultivate organic food products at least in one acre of land with a minimum of 2 years of continuous experience in cultivation has been considered for the study. Tools such as Percentage analysis and Chi-Square Test have been applied. The present study could help conventional farmers, traders and non-governmental organizations’ to adapt organic farming for their livelihood. Besides, the study would also help the government and policy makers in promotion of organic farming.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Organic;Farming;Farmer;Perception;Adaptation", month = "January", number = "4", pages = "309-318", title = "{F}armers’ {P}erception towards {O}rganic farming for {S}ustainable {L}ivelihood in {C}oimbatore {D}istri", volume = "9", year = "2021", }