@article{3306, author = "Tarc{\'i}sio Marcos Macedo Mota Filho and Ramon De Marchi Garcia and Luis Eduardo Pontes Stefanelli and Roberto da Silva Camargo and Luiz Carlos Forti", abstract = "This study investigates to know the interference of particle diameter in the control of leaf-cutting ants, Atta sexdens, and from the different diameters used in the manufacture of the granulated toxic baits. The hypothesis addressed questions whether the particle size can influence the efficiency of the control. In this case, verifying whether the increase or decrease in particle size of the toxic baits could perform better than the commercial size currently adopted by the industry. Three diameters used to make baits: 1.5 mm; 2.0 mm and 3.0 mm. The baits were supplied to the colonies under laboratory conditions. Seven treatments were used: control (2.0 mm); sulfluramid [0.3%] (1.5 mm, 2.0 mm and 3.0 mm) and indoxacarb [0.15%] (1.5 mm, 2.0 mm and 3.0 mm). The treatments divided into three groups: i) control; ii) sulfluramid [0.3%], (delayed action) and iii) indoxacarbe [0.15%] (fast acting). It concludes that the diameter toxic bait not influenced the mortality the colony, however, the action mode of the insecticide influences the time mortality colony.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Active Ingredient;Diameter;Leaf-Cutting Ants;Toxic Baits", month = "March", number = "5", pages = "346-351", title = "{I}nfluence of {T}oxic {B}ait {D}iameter {D}uring {C}hemical {C}ontrol of {A}tta sexdens {L}eaf-{C}utting {A}nts", volume = "9", year = "2021", }