@article{3375, author = "Sanjay Sarkar", abstract = "Aphids (Homoptera, Aphididae) are considered as an important group amongst insect pests that attack various economically important plants. Among Aphidophagous insects Aphiddine parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) exclusively attack aphids. In this study a survey was made on aphids associated primary parasitoid wasp on economically useful plants collected at different localities of Western Himalaya. Taxonomic studies of Aphid parasitoids based on available literature and previously collected materials and also the data directly collected from Garhwal and Kumaon ranges of Western Himalaya (29.8688ᵒ N and 78.8383ᵒ E) reveals that altogether 36 species under 12 genera parasitize 30 host aphids infesting 39 plants of economic importance. A Maximum number of species (10) are found under the genus Aphidius Nees. Of these species, 30 have host aphids under subfamily Aphidinae, 2 under Lachninae, 1 each under subfamilies Drepanosiphinae, Greenidinae, Pemphiginae and Pterocomatinae. Collection of aphids and associated primary parasitoids are done from mostly medicinal plants. The incidence of these parasitoid species and their host association are discussed in this paper.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Aphidiinae;Parsitoids;Pest;Host Association;Host Plant;Seasonal Occurrence;Distribution;Aphid Biocontrol;Western Himalya", month = "January", number = "4", pages = "137-142", title = "{I}ncidence and {H}ost {A}ssociation of {P}rimary {P}arasitoids ({H}ymenoptera: {B}raconidae: {A}phidiinae) of {A}phids {I}nfesting {E}conomically {I}mportant {P}lants in {K}umaon-{G}arhwal {R}anges of {W}estern {H}imalaya", volume = "10", year = "2022", }