@article{3384, author = "Tunji Babatunde Olayeni and Tirimisiyu Adewale Rafiu and Temitope Peter Akilapa", abstract = "Four weeks feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the performance characteristics, carcass and haematological parameters of broiler finisher chicken fed pineapple waste-rice bran (PW/RB) mixture based diets. Fresh pineapple waste was mixed with rice bran in ratio 1.1 (W/W) to obtain pineapple waste-rice bran mixture. Five diets were formulated where 0, 10, 12.5, 15 and 17.5% of wheat offal was replaced with pineapple waste-rice bran mixture. Two hundred, four weeks old Marshal broiler chicken were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments. Data were collected on feed intake, weight gain, feed gain ratio, carcass characteristics, organ weights and blood parameters. Birds fed with 12.5% wheat bran replacement level with PW/RB utilized their feed more efficiently (P0.05) than other treatments as reflected in their daily weight gain and final live weight. There were significant differences (P0.05) across the treatments in the bled weight, defeathered weight, carcass weight, drumstick, heart, kidney, and gizzard with 12.5% PW/RB having the highest value when compared with the control diet (0% PW/RB). All haematological parameters were significantly affected (P0.05). It was concluded that wheat bran in broiler diets could be partially replaced with pineapple waste-rice bran mixture at all levels studied but best result could be actualized when 12.5% replacement level is considered.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Performance;Pineapple Waste;Rice Bran;Broiler Finisher;Carcass;Organ;Haematology", month = "March", number = "5", pages = "195-201", title = "{R}esponse of {B}roiler {F}inisher {C}hicken to {P}ineapple {W}aste-{R}ice {B}ran {M}ixture {B}ased {D}iets", volume = "10", year = "2022", }