@article{3429, author = "Alina Maria Poparlan", abstract = "Wine is a widely consumed product and establishing its authenticity represents one of the most important aspects in food quality and safety. authentication, identifying fraud and determining product compliance with the specifications listed on label are consumer requirements. The authentication of wines involves several aspects, such as the geographical origin, year of production, variety, producer and quality. It is important that the proof of the wine's authenticity should be based on those chemical parameters that do not undergo changes during vinification or which are difficult to falsify. A number have been developed over the years of methods for verifying the authenticity of wines, from traditional analytical methods, to methods using advanced instrumental techniques.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Wine Authenticity;Biochemical Analysis;Wine Quality;The Specificity of Wine-Growing Centers;Year of Production", month = "January", number = "4", pages = "80-83", title = "{R}esearch on the {A}uthenticity of the {W}ines {O}btained in the {A}rea of the {P}ietroasele {V}ineyard", volume = "11", year = "2023", }