@article{4508, author = "Lakamo Liben and Melese Ejamo and Abebaw Bergena", abstract = "Inspite of large area under cultivation, the mean yield of rice per hectare in Ethiopia is very low. Limited access to improved rice varieties and improper use of recommended agronomic practices were some of the contributing factors for low productivity. Therefore, this activity was carried out to increase the productivity of rice through demonstrating early maturing and high yielding upland rice technology in 2023 main cropping season at Melo-Koza district of Southern Ethiopia. 2 kebeles’ namely Salayish-1 and Salayish-3 were selected purposively based on potential of rice. A total of 72 farmers were selected based on clustering approach for 40 ha. Awarness creation training and experience sharing field day was carried out and the events were promoted through face book, South Television and FM Radio’s to those who couldn’t take part with in the program directly. A total of 2,400 Kg of improved seed (NERICA-4) was provided to the farmers by the Arba Minch Agricultural Research Center. Planting was done by seed rate of 60 Kgha-1, spacing of 60 cm b/n rows, 100 Kgha-1 NPS and 100 Kgha-1 UREA fertilizers. Quadrant estimation using grand mean, Likert scale and rank based quotient were used to analyze grain yield, farmers perception and constraints respectively. The mean grain yield of NERICA-4 was 3,681 kg.ha-1, which is greater than the study area average productivity (2,500 kg.ha-1). The major constraing factors identified in rice production in the area include no access to improved seed, high fertilizer price, no access to pesticides and no access to mechanization. Therefore, further expansion and seed supply with its full packages including agronomic practices by the district and Zone office of Agriculture is recommended to enhance rice productivity.", issn = "23191473", journal = "IJAIR", keywords = "Constraints;Cluster;Fogera 1;Gofa;NERICA 4;Rank Based Quotient;Suparica;Upland Rice", month = "July", number = "1", pages = "24-34", title = "{O}n-{F}arm {D}emonstration of {I}mproved {U}pland {R}ice {T}echnology in {C}luster {B}ased {L}arge {S}cale {A}pproach at {M}elo-{K}oza {D}istrict of {G}ofa {Z}one, {S}outhern {E}thiopia", volume = "13", year = "2024", }